
Your Love Lifted Me Higher

The one-year anniversary is quickly approaching and he’s on my mind more than ever. Pangs of guilt hit me, as 20130508_145559I imagine scenarios in which I could have done things differently forcing a different outcome. I thought I had made peace with Dink’s death, but my attempt to recreate the past means a residue of suffering remains.

I remind myself of the many blessings received by his dramatic departure. He inspired the Freedom from Suffering Group Distance Healings and countless people (including furry friends) have benefited. He didn’t die in vain.

I silently request Dink give me a message, because it’s my loneliness for him that’s causing me to feel a loss. (more…)

In Damaged Imperfection, True Beauty Shines

He jumped down from the back of Chad’s truck. I stepped back, and let out a nervous laugh.  The pictures hadn’t prepared me. You wouldn’t describe him as beautiful. HeIMG_6478 was awkward. His bluish-gray gigantic head rested upon his broad shoulders, as his wide-set brown eyes and drooling jowls overshadowed his tiny waist. He resembled a prehistoric beast.

Chad moved from North Carolina to work in our family business, and we agreed to adopt Dink due to the ban in Denver. As an experienced Pit Bull owner, I know they make great family dogs, but he was on a trial basis. I wasn’t sure he’d stay.

It didn’t take long to discover that behind his intimidating physique, there was an endless pool of love. His heart was bigger than his head. He (more…)

Dink: A Love Story

I unpacked the Amazon package and replaced Ceiro’s battery in her dog collar right away. But I dismissed my thought about about replacing Dink’s and putting it on him.

He may still be here if I hadn’t been lazy. I feel like I failed him.

20130824_201743Anyone that had the pleasure of meeting Dink knew what it was like to be truly loved. I only had the pleasure of being The Dinkster’s mom for fifteen months.  Our dear friend, Chad, and his son, Lewis, asked us to adopt him when they moved from Charlotte to Denver due to the Pit Bull Ban. I had seen pictures, but they didn’t do him justice, I was completely surprised by his huge head. He is a Razor’s Edge (more…)

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