Saturday, August 23, 2014, 7:57 AM

The vibration in my hand alerts me to a message as I unplug my cell phone. I open the screen and see a voicemail from my ex-husband. This can’t be good. I honestly didn’t expect to have a reason to speak to him until Davin’s wedding day in the far off future. There’s also a Facebook message from Dagan, Davin’s best friend stationed in California. Both asked me to call as soon as possible.

The sources did not add up, but together, I knew something happened to my son.

A barrage of possibilities hit me. Instinctually I knew he was alive, as no one, not even Nevin, would dare tell a mother her child was dead over the phone. However, this logic didn’t provide a lot of comfort as I continued to struggle to find my breath before I could return Nevin’s call.

I’m surprised that Davin called his father and not me. However, he knows as well as I do, that he wouldn’t have gotten through. No landline does impose limitations. It prevents middle of the night calls from disturbing my peace, which is what would have happened if he had reached me, which would have launched the first, of several, sleepless nights to come. At least I had a full night’s sleep to help prepare me for the information I was about to receive, and for that, I am grateful.

Nevin confirmed that Davin was okay. He went with some buddies up to Fort Collins to visit their friends in college. The police showed up, apparently because of a noise complaint, and for some reason, they broke through the gate in the backyard with their guns drawn on one of his friends. Davin was video recording them and he ended up in an altercation with the cops. There was pepper spray involved and several tickets issued. Davin was arrested and they are holding him until his arraignment on Monday.

This was unbelievable. Suddenly, I’ve been body slammed into a harsh new reality. A reality that didn’t exist within my awareness moments before, and one I wish didn’t exist now.

My baby, my cub, is being detained without bond. He’s no saint, but he hardly belongs in jail. And as a fellow inmate later agreed, Davin is “far too pretty to be in here!”

I feel utterly helpless. Mama bear may not be able to break him out, but I will find out everything I can about last night.


Every once in awhile, something comes along that dramatically alters life’s trajectory. My son’s recent arrest at a college house party did just that. Through a series of blogs, my hope is to share our experience in order to prevent other families from becoming part of this gut wrenching, soul depleting, and far too expensive game within today’s legal system.


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