And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~ Anais Nin

Transition is a normal flow of life, much like the seasons changing. Yet, we tend to cling so tightly to what is that we are not allowing what can be. We often become stagnant in our lives, unwilling to take risks or allow ourselves to experience all possibilities. We feel moments of inspiration that are over-shadowed by meeting our obligations.

After my personal experience in my early twenties, whenever I had to fire or lay-off someone during my Human Resources career, I often stated that being fired is the biggest blessing one can receive. A clean slate allows us to explore new options.

If I hadn’t lost my job, a job that I didn’t enjoy, I would not have been searching for something new. Many of us were raised with the good ol’ Puritan work ethic: work hard, prove ourselves worthy, earn a decent living, and then retire.  Often working for others, serving our time, exchanging time for dollars. Very few are doing what they love. We become complacent and if lucky, content. What would happen if people really followed their hearts and did what they love?

I enjoyed my time in HR, yet I had inner yearnings of breaking free from the corporate world.  I didn’t know how I could leave. I was making a decent salary, working from home four days a week, with good benefits, and had a lot of co-workers that were like family to me. Yet, I wanted more! More joy, more play, and more time to help others on their life paths.

As much as I wanted my freedom, I was paralyzed by fear – how would I replace my income and provide benefits for my family? Fear is the number one cause that stops people from following their dreams. Many have heard the acronym for FEAR, False Evidence Appearing Real, but in the midst of it, fear feels very real! Fear, worry, concern, and indecision are toxic to the soul. These thoughts and feelings hold us down, and keep us from reaching our full potential.

Stepping through fear is a journey. It starts with a new idea or inspiration. Feel it, line up to it by addressing and releasing any feelings or old paradigm beliefs that do not serve, and then allow alignment to the new idea.

The day came when I was ready to take the next step, with some uncertainty, yet with a deep knowingness that this was the right time.  That was over five years ago, and not once have I looked back and wished I had stayed.  Here I am today at a new point in my life, letting go of the person I have become these past few years.  I am ready to embark on a new path, ready to reach a larger audience and assist them in living in their authentic selves.

Am I scared? I’d be dishonest if I said no. But today, I take comfort in knowing that I am fully supported in all that I do. Letting go is essential!  This was a foreign concept to my former Type A personality. It does get easier with practice.  Let go of attachment to the outcome, be open to the possibilities, and allow.

There may be times when we fall down and scrape our knees, but that is no reason to stop playing! We wanted to come and play in this amazing playground we call Earth, with so many experiences to choose from. Let your inner guidance gently allow you to blossom into what you were meant to be!