
I’m Alive!

frantiThe lights dim, a big smile moves across my face, the band takes their places and the room is filled with the drumbeat and strumming guitars, my body bounces to the rhythm. I’m in the second row, stage right, with a perfect view. I sing along to the opening lyrics, “I’m gonna die, oooh, I’m gonna die, but it won’t, be tonight.”

No, tonight is going to be a great night. It’s only been 48 hours since I saw Michael Franti and Spearhead in a dusty campground at the Arise Music Festival, but this intimate venue at the Belly Up in Aspen feels like a private concert, and a lot has happened since then. I need this.

There is an unexpected repetitive bumping into my left hip, (more…)

To Fear or Not to Fear?

Just like you, I wasn’t born with fear. I was influenced to this unnatural state through well-intentioned authority figures that had my best interests at heart. Like others had done for them. Simple cautionary advice—don’t go out after dark, don’t talk to strangers, obey these rules so you’ll get into heaven—soon became an unquestioned way of life.

The funny thing, when you live in a societal conditioned state of fear, you don’t even realize it. I fit right in with everyone else and shared the same beliefs. (more…)

Another Boundary Set

I live at 9,660 feet in Colorado and received multiple 12”+ snowstorms in the past three weeks. I do my best to remain positive, because snow in May keeps the wildfires away. But it does take its toll on everyone after awhile.

After a wonderfully relaxing massage, I shoveled wet, heavy snow from the driveway. It was my attempt to please my husband and protect, Davin, my son from a former marriage.

As I shoveled, I thought about how the snow blower ran out of gas the morning before, (more…)

How do you not give up on humanity?

You start by living YOUR life!

You concern yourself less with the actions of others
You let go of fear
Over and over again
You live by the philosophy that nothing is more important than your JOY
You spend time in nature
You complain less
You appreciate more
You become selfish
Selfish enough to feel good because when you do,
Those around you benefit (more…)

Nothing is More Important Than My Personal Alignment

Life is full of information as I continue to find my alignment, moment to moment.

When I was first invited to co-create and participate in a global campaign to unite and share focused love for the planet and all who live upon it during this shift, I immediately said, “Yes!” I felt a lot of excitement about the possibilities of the positive impact that would be made.

I have learned to consciously create a more positive life, one in which I have rediscovered the importance of ease and playfulness for living a happier life.  That’s what I want to help others discover, especially during this time of tremendous change. (more…)

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